Saturday, February 14, 2015

2015 Goals's been a minute since I posted on this sweet little blog, huh?  I feel like so much happened in the last half of 2014, and some catch-up posts are definitely in order, but I want to start with one of my favorite parts of this blog--the goal-setting/accountability piece!

In 2014, I was at that point of coming out of the newborn fog and I really wanted to make some things happen.  The last few years were a whirlwind for our little family--we moved in with my parents the summer before Kinley started Kindergarten, we built our house, and then we had 2 babies in less than two years.  Enter lots of just "making it."  I knew that I could just keep "making it" and things would probably be ok, but I didn't want to spin my wheels through the next 18 years or so.  I felt a call to live this life intentionally--for myself and for my people.  It was at this point that I was introduced (via clicking around in blogland!) to Lara Casey and her PowerSheets.  I can honestly say that these things work!  I ordered my first set last year, and although health issues (hello, Satan!) derailed my progress for much of the year, I know that I did at least move forward in some areas, because I have those beautiful worksheets (and a few blog posts!) as proof.

As 2015 began, I knew that my brain was in a better place and I was ready to begin again.  I am not in the same place that I was at the beginning of 2014.  I am a bit beyond just "making it" as a mom of three, but as a creature of habit, routine, and order, I am sometimes so afraid that I will continue to work all week, grocery shop on Friday nights, do laundry all day on Saturday, and go to church on Sunday, and then wake up one day when I'm 80 and realize that life was just a series of routines and I missed out on so much of God's great big, amazing world.  (One big part of the PowerSheets is "beginning with the end in mind," or thinking about what you want life to look like when you're 80.)  I ordered my new PowerSheets, and followed Lara's lead of praying through goals in January rather than rushing into "resolutions" on January 1 after a hectic holiday season.  I adopted February 1 as the beginning of my new year and felt ready for the challenge!

Disclaimer--I fully realize that I am quite the nerd and love planning and making lists and checking off boxes.  I also know that things like this work for my brain but may not work for everybody.  However, I can honestly say that reaching intentionally set goals is such a feeling of satisfaction that I would encourage you to find something--anything--that works for you!

So, without anymore explanations or disclaimers, here are my goals for 2015:

2015 Goals

1.  Love Jesus--Obviously I love Jesus already, but everything kind of fell into a love category, so here goes.  This one includes daily quiet times, setting a routine for Bible Study, getting up EARLY to spend time with Jesus, and attending conferences/worship experiences/whatever that will push me outside my comfort zone.
2.  Love my people--Again, I obviously love my people, but this means loving them well.  Knowing their love language and speaking it, spending one-on-one time with my babies, date nights with my man, having screenless family fun time, and taking care of them mentally, physically, and emotionally.
3.  Love me--This includes little things that affect my health like going to the dentist, establishing self-care routines (like taking my makeup off and washing my face EVERY NIGHT), eating healthier and finding some type of exercise that makes me happy, learning more about my essential oils and how to use them, and then other things that "sharpen my saw"--reading, gardening, spending more time with my friends--just doing the things that fire me up and keep me going.
4.  Love our home--Organizing our photos, having a system in place for our paper, doing some upkeep, landscaping the front yard, decorating my boys' room...these are just a few things included in my plans for this year.
5.  Love less--Continue to budget and use our envelope system so that we can give more, simplify our STUFF, intentionally pay off some things in 2015.
6.  Love others--Send a random handwritten card to someone each month, be a better friend, find my area of ministry and do it.
7.  Love adventure--Have at least one experience each month that takes me outside my comfort zone, whether it's a place, a food, or an event.  Travel to new places as much as possible--close by or far away.  Variety is the spice of life!

The really cool thing about PowerSheets is that, once you discover your goals for the year, they help you break those down into monthly goals, and then break those down into weekly goals, and then break those down into daily goals.  Yep, that's a lot of lists and a lot of boxes to check off, but I'm telling you--it makes me happy!

February Goals:

1.  Begin the She Reads Truth Lent study.
2.  Plan (at least!) one Screenless Family Fun Time
3.  Date night
4.  Read one fiction and one non-fiction book
5.  Collect Clean Eating ideas
6.  Make dentist appointment
7.  Get all pictures together in one place
8.  Clean out the boys' closet and gather ideas for their room
9.  Budget our extra funds for the upcoming months with Zeke
10.  Some type of ministry opportunity

Weekly Goals:

1.  Stay in budget
2.  One longer Quiet Time with Bible Journaling (more on this later!)
3.  Exercise 3 times per week
4.  Blog 3 times per week (oops!)
5.  Read
6.  One-on-one time with each kiddo

Daily Goals:

1.  Quiet Time: Get up early!
2.  Take off makeup and wash face EVERY. NIGHT.
3.  Do something small for Zeke (February is a stinky month for my this month my "love others" is all about him!) a couple of weeks I will update February and post my March goals.  I know we've all heard it before, but writing it down makes all the difference in the world--it is much more likely to happen--and I'm pretty sure putting it on the blog counts twice!

I am interested to know:  What are your goals?  How do you set them and track them?  Please share...Inquiring minds want to know!

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